Sunday, October 17, 2021

Thoughts from the first few hours in La Gloria


Well it didn't take long to get answers to some of my questions.  We drove by the location of the swap meet and it was full of people.  We stay in a town called La Gloria and there are many new businesses on the street leading to the Posada and on the cobbled road to the south that has practically been impassable.  There's even a stand for fish tacos with outside dining along that road.  I'll post a photo of it.

We drove to Rosarito for supper at El Nido's last night.  They are known for their home grown venison and quail dishes.  That shopping areas nearby were full of vendors and shoppers, most of them masked.  As we were eating it seemed like a lot of people were walking past the front window.  I counted thirty in one minute before I got back to my chicken enchiladas verde.

Most of the people on the streets in La Gloria are wearing masks.  Parents and children hold hands as they normally do when hurrying across the street with masks.  Businesses have signs on the doors that tell you to put your mask on.  A new taco stand, barber shop, pet food store and new buildings going up.  Maybe they'll grade this road in a few years.   

Sunday the group drove down to La Bufadora where there is a famous blowhole!  

Take a look at the pictures

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